
Smog absorbing building
Palazzo Italia is the first building designed with concrete to purify the air. Its facade captures nitrogen dioxide and converts it into salt (photocatalytic process), when it rains, it is easily rinsed out, always keeping it clean. The facade is...
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Fluorescent Cement
The Mexican researcher José Carlos Rubio Ávalos, from the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, created a fluorescent cement. His reasoning was: "If we find it scattered around the world, if we see it in an infinity of buildings,...
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Brief history of shotcrete
The first Shot Concrete was used more than a hundred years ago and consisted of a coating, which was invented by the American naturist Carl Ethan Akeley (1864-1926), in 1907. His mortar-throwing machine was used to coat the metal skeletons...
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